Buddy guest blogs

Hey Coach Pearl


Are there any vacancies on your staff? Or is more formal attire required.

Or maybe with my skills, I should be applying to Coach Fulmer:


I’ll do anything:


I’ll be the mascot

bill and the smokey hat

-Big Orange Buddy

Out for lunch today I overheard a father at the next table say to his toddler son “How would you like to wear a track suit like that?”

He said it like it would be some kind of joke or punishment or something.

You could tell it just slipped out. You could tell that he was thinking “Did I just say that, like that, out loud? I know they heard me.”

And I’m thinking – “Hey, we’re just at the next table. We heard you.”

And then he says to us “That’s a really nice track suit.”

Errrm….thanks. Fact is, you don’t see an outfit like that in South West London every day.

You can always tell a UT girl

…by her calves.

I have a sturdy build. And when the end-times come, my peasant physique will stand me in good stead. But it’s hell on fashion.

Knee hi boots are in – that is they’re still in, and I still can’t wear them. I can’t wedge my thickset ankles and sturdy calves into those boots.

Vol-K was complaing about all those bird-legged British women on the streets of London with their skinny jeans and skinny legs and skinny boots.

Forget about it Vol-K, you have a degree in engineering from the University of Tennessee. That’s too many treks up and down the Hill – plus the uphill both ways trips to Dougherty – not to leave a mark on those calves. Anyway, those skinny legged girls might exerience calf-snappage at any moment. Count your blessings.

Even when I was younger and thinner, my calves have always had a solidness about them. I was once working out at the Bubble – using the climbing machine (probably not helping matters) – when a guide brought a group of prospective UT students in. She pointed me out. She pointed out my calves. “See girls, after a year at UT- you can have calves like that, too.”

I don’t think those high school girls were too impressed.