And in other football news

And by other football, I mean soccer. This week Scotland beat France 1-0 in France in a Euro 2008 qualifying match. The Scots are ecstatic. As for me, I’ve been confused all week – should I be happy? (That France lost.) Should I be sad? (That the gloating Scots had some success).

Should I be desolee that they couldn’t both lose?

See ya

Gordon Brown, the current Chancellor of the Exchequer (Treasury Secretary) and heir-apparent to Tony Blair, will likely take the crown before the year is out. A dour Scot and prone to worry, this time he’s going on about the dissolution of the Union.

Yes, well he should worry. A Scot and a Scottish MP who wishes to rule o’er England, too. The Union between the crowns of Scotland and England will this year be 300 years old, but nobody’s celebrating. The Union is in peril and Gordo knows that as the Union goes – so goes his future.

I know I’m not a citizen of this country and even if I were I could never be English, but I have to say “Na, na, na, na, hey, hey, hey goooood-bye.” See ya, Scots. I, for one, have had enough of your English-bashing, your whinging and your scrounging. Take your bloody depleting North Sea oil and go. See how long you can keep your high-spending, low-producing Socialism without English subsidy. I’m tired of being bossed around by people who are even pastier than the English.

I’ve always regretted the prohibition of the possibility of secession in US Constitution. It seemed to lack a certain openness to the potentiality of irreconcilable differences. I hope the Scots seize their opportunity for rerendum for independence – and that they don’t dally.