Extremist U.

Are British Universities hotbeds of extremism? Is the UK taxpayer educating the next wave of terrorists and suicide bombers?


Via Right Truth a report on the extremist elements rife in a number of UK (and mostly English) univerisities.

Europe recognized their problems with terror in universities and Adrian Morgan writes an excellent 2 part report at Family Security Matters. Mr. Morgan is also a writer at Western Resistance.

On Monday September 26, 2005, Britain’s Social Affairs Unit published a report by Professor Anthony Glees and Chris Pope from Brunel University. This report, entitled “When Students Turn To Terror“, listed 24 universities where radicalism flourished, including Birmingham, Brunel, Durham, Leeds, Leeds Metropolitan, Luton, Leicester, Manchester Metropolitan, Newcastle, Nottingham, Reading, Swansea, and Wolverhampton. Coming out while Britain was still reeling from the horrors of 7/7 when 52 people died on London Transport, Professor Glees’ report galvanized the UK media. Already mosques and radical preachers had been named as contributing factors to the bombings of July 7, 2005. Universities had thitherto been ignored. Yet Britain’s campuses had long been the playgrounds of amateur radicals and Islamists.

Well, I’m not so sure that Europe really did recognise the problem. When the current Labour government suggested that Universities start monitoring the activities of some of their radical elements – most of the leftists I know got all a-twitter. “They want the universities to spy on their own students. Outrageous.”

Actually, not so outrageous. If students are meeting in their own private accomodation and keeping their terror activities off campus then I would agree that the university has no business in monitoring their behaviour. However, these students are fly-posting on university bulletin boards and using university meeting rooms (at low-low to no cost). These student-radicals are recruiting on campus. This makes it the university’s responsibility to make sure that university property isn’t being used for potentially catastrophic ends. It makes it the university’s responsibility to protect other students from these student-radicals. And I’m not talking protecting them from a potential threat – but protecting existing students – especially female, homosexual and Jewish students.

I’m a free speech fundamentalist – but I don’t necessarily believe in subsidised speech. I would ask leftists who might use the Islamaphobia label if at least the same standards should be applied to speech on university property and in university meeting rooms. If some skinhead types were railing on about scantily clad women and homos and the Jooos – what should happen? If women were being harrassed on campus – if there was a climate of fear created by skinhead activists – then what should happen? Well, the university authorities should step in. And I guarantee you that Qaradawi inspired radical Islamism certainly doesn’t vary strongly from neo-Nazi views on homosexuality and the Jews and takes a somewhat dimmer view of outspoken, bare-headed women. The university also has a responsibility to protect Muslim students – in particular Muslims who practice a less Wahabist, less radical form of Islam – e.g. Muslims who will happily associate with students from other religions or Muslim women who don’t cover their hair. I know Muslim students who have been harassed and intimidated for not being “Muslim enough”.

This doesn’t mean turning kids over to the authorities for their hot head views. This means creating a climate where harrassed students can make a complaint and zero tolerance attitude to threating misogynistic, anti-Semetic and anti-homosexual language and behaviour.

This means not supporting radical Islamist values with free or subsidised meeting spaces. For example, some time last year a radical group at my husband’s university booked a hall for their outrageous anti-semetic propaganda. They claimed that it was for one thing when booking – but advertised another anti-semetic event. A group of Jewish students complained, the university investigated and the Islamists were moved on basically on the grounds that they had reserved the hall for one purpose and were using it for another.