Back to work

I went back to work today. I’m only working one day a week for a little while. But it’s good.

The Vol-in-Law called me at about 11am. When I got off the phone, my co-workers wanted to know if the baby was doing alright, if the ViL was doing alright.

“Oh no, everything’s fine” I said. “He was just in the cemetery and told me there was a floral tribute of leaping dolphins that I’d probably want to photograph tomorrow.”

Old co-workers were not surprised. New ones – well, they thought that was a little weird.

Keep on rockin in the free world

Yesterday I got my paper notice about the Global Primary. (If this link doesn’t work, don’t worry – more info below). Since Buddy is eating paper these days, I wanted to get it on the bulletin board and out of his way. But of course, I forgot and left it dangerously close to the changing area.

Me: Hand me that voting thingy.
Vol-in-Law: Voting thingy?
Me: Yeah, that paper there.
ViL: Oh, your voting thingy. (Extra derisive tone where you see italics).
Me: Yeah, you know the vote the directs activities in the free world.

Living abroad? Want to vote in the primary? Check out the Democrats Abroad site.
Need to register to vote? Check out –