Dog bites man

I don’t really know how to tell my non-Tennessee readers just how ridiculoso this headline is:

Moonshine and marijuana found in Cocke County

And in more breaking news…

Pope confirmed Catholic
Shocking new evidence: bear poo found in woods.

Even the discovery of a stash of oxycodone along with the grass and whiskey isn’t in the least surprising. Perhaps if the police had bothered to check the back yard they might have found the chop shop and the fighting cock houses.

Thanks to KAG for that gem.

The disputes of the wallabies

Doot-do-do, I’m eating my cabbage, yummy cabbage.

Yummy, cabbage
That’s a tasty leaf you got there.

Hey, wait - that's mine
Hey wait a minute, that’s mine!

Maybe we can share
Maybe we can share?

Maybe not now that it's got your slobber on
Or maybe not now that it’s got your slobber on it.

Or yours
Or yours.

Hurray for Hillary

I’ve already stated that my preferred candidate in the Democratic primaries is Hillary Clinton. But I’m not bashing anyone else in the race, because we’ve got a bigger, more important race coming in the Autumn.

However, with yesterday’s election results I was quite happy to say Ha ha

Not to the other Democratic candidates, certainly not to any of their supporters. But to the media who gleefully predicted Hillary Clinton’s demise in this “fight of her political life.”

New Hampshire is just a small Northeastern state, not a deathmatch. But even so, I’m glad she won.