And now I will blog about the 2008 Presidential race

For so long I’ve avoided blogging about the 2008 run for the White House and sworn I wouldn’t until it was seemly. Maybe it was because I was a bit sickened by the campaigning kicking off before the 2006 Midterms even concluded. It’s like retailers putting up Christmas decorations before Halloween. It ain’t right.

I did have a post or two about Fred, but I tagged them Not the 2008 election, so I feel I kept my promise in a moral sense.

But now it’s 2008, so I’m ready.

To the Republican party:

Y’all are making me laugh. Your candidates are crazy or lazy.

To the Democrats:

Can we please avoid having a nomination until the rest of the nation freakin’ votes? We did this last time and look who we got. A loser. A guy who was so lacking in charisma and winning-ness that he couldn’t resoundly beat that no-hoper George Bush.

To the “liberals”:

Stop calling Hillary Clinton “shrill” or “close-to-tears” when she’s not. Y’all need to take a look in the mirror and think about where this attitude is coming from. From what I’ve seen Hillary Clinton has acquitted herself admirably. Yes, I am voting for her.

But here are two people who probably/certainly aren’t voting for her who’ve spotted the woman bashing, too. (Kathy Flake and the Tennessee Guerilla Women here and here and elsewhere). Heck, even my husband who subscribes to Pat Buchanan’s American Conservative magazine noticed and has been stunned by the level of woman bashing.

To the British media:

Stop pontificating on this election as if a) you have a vote or b) you deserve a vote. You are merely outside observers. You do not get to anoint your chosen candidate – Barrack Obama. Although, maybe I shouldn’t say anything since I believe that The Guardian with their stupid letter writing campaign along with the some vote tampering managed to lose Ohio.

And since I’m supporting the shrill and close-to-tears Hillary Clinton (yes, this according to the British media), go ahead, please shoot yourselves in the foot on this one, too.