Soltice sun

Yesterday was the shortest day of the year and also the Vol-in-Law’s birthday. As we did last year, we took a walk in the deer park.

soltice sunset

It was very cold and the lake was frozen over

sunset on frozen lake

And the pond was frozen over, too. And we learned that ducks either can’t read or just think that it won’t happen to them.

So it's one rule for ducks?

3 Responses to “Soltice sun”

  1. Chris Black Says:

    Hi, as an occasional visitor to your site, can I say that I really liked that first photo and I’ve put it on my desk top!

    Unfortunately the sun looks a bit egg shaped but I’ll sort it out…

    Happy New Year.

  2. genderist Says:

    My favorite is the third of the ducks…

  3. Vol Abroad Says:

    thanks! The first one is tweaked a little bit, including some special attention to the sun – so that might be why you’re getting a bit of distortion. I have a new camera – and it didn’t quite capture what things really looked like, so I messed with it…

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