Missed chances

Here’s the thing about growth spurts. Certain outfits are too big, still too big, too big…oops…too little.

So yesterday, I finally dragged out the real tree baby camo outfit. And dang if it wasn’t just a little too small. My mom paid full price for that outfit down in Loretto, so we wedged him into anyway.

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Before he was born, I had planned on a little photo shoot – putting the baby in his real tree camo in the leaves – captioning it “Where’s the baby?” But he mostly sleeps during our walks in the park and I couldn’t really justify dragging him out of his cosy warm blanket just for a funny picture. Though I did think about it.

He was wrapped in his new fleecy Vols blanket, before we put it on him I asked the Vol-in-Law if he thought hunter camo goes with Tennessee orange.

“I dunno,” he says. “Shall we be the first to try it?”


Soltice sun

Yesterday was the shortest day of the year and also the Vol-in-Law’s birthday. As we did last year, we took a walk in the deer park.

soltice sunset

It was very cold and the lake was frozen over

sunset on frozen lake

And the pond was frozen over, too. And we learned that ducks either can’t read or just think that it won’t happen to them.

So it's one rule for ducks?