To boldly go

Regular readers may remember that I collect floral tributes. The curious custom of laying shaped and decorated wreaths on graves and at the crematorium. Since we go walking in the graveyard on a regular basis to cool fractious tempers (Buddy’s and mine), I’ve been able to capture even more.

Mostly floral tributes are just flowers, a wreath, maybe a heart shaped wreath. But sometimes they’re little works of art that capture something about the personality of the dearly departed.

Like this:

To boldy go where no one has ever returned from

I can certainly say I’ve never seen a Star Trek floral tribute so I was quite excited. I told the Vol-in-Law about it and the Superman one I’d seen the same day.

ViL: On the same grave, I suppose?
ME: Oh, yes. You don’t see many like that.
ViL: I guess geeks don’t die very often.
ME: Or maybe they usually don’t have enough friends to actually bring floral tributes.