Darth Saudi

The King of Saudi Arabia is on a state visit to the United Kingdom. That means Saudi flags are flying on the Mall. That means that King Abdullah is serenaded by British military bands.

Guess what they played as he strolled up to meet the Queen.

The Imperial March – aka Darth Vader’s march.




This is so unbelievable, so apt yet so daring, that I started to doubt myself. But someone else saw it, too. Here’s the clip from Channel 4 news – under a story called Saudi funded literature in British mosques I wish I knew how to get that up on YouTube, but here’s one to tide you over:

FURTHER UPDATE – Noon 31 October 2007

Of course it’s on YouTube now – spotted via Conservative Home.

Best line is “King Abdullah may not be head of an evil empire” – but then again, he might.