Contact me

It’s been pointed out that I don’t have a contact email listed – I used to, I had to change it and I never updated. Here it is:

Vol_abroad AT

or if you know me

firstname last initial 2005 AT – in such a way that if my name were Jane Doe, you could contact me at JaneD2005 @

And in other sporting news…

I don’t really much care for baseball. But I just want to acknowledge Jen – my expat blogger near neighbour – and her team winning the World Series. That must be amazing. That must feel like, well, like your team winning the World Series.


I don’t much care for NFL Football either. Tennessee didn’t have a team when I left the US and no other team ever captured my loyalty. But apparently the NFL is looking to win hearts and minds on foreign soil. Namely British soil. In the Independent:

Rebuilt Wembley Stadium hosted the first regular-season NFL game in Europe, and fans of all teams have flocked to northwest London to see the New York Giants beat the Miami Dolphins 13-10.

But instead of drawing lots of British fans, a lot of the folks there were American.

Many in the sold-out stadium came from the United States, and the dreary sky poses no problem.

I’m sure the expat contingent in London put up a good showing, too. There’s no firm estimate of how many Americans live in London, but we could probably just about fill Wembley stadium*. But the story nicely captures the feelings of a small contingent of Brits who love them some American football – all apparently hooked from catching a game on tv.

* but not Neyland stadium.