This is important

Alan Johnson’s address to a Labour Party Conference Fringe event.

Ignore the jibber jabber like:

First, having the will and the resolution to promote that order and that society as non-negotiable normative ends. So enough with the apologetics for them and the self-hatred for us.

Just try to wade through it. This is the stuff wherein liberals (in the American leftist sense) and classical liberals need to get their act together and fight not just violence of extremist Islamism, but the ideas, too. You know, the old hearts and minds thing.

Of little account

VolDad phoned me the other day and amongst his general news and asking after Cletus, he told me he’d found a family heirloom – maybe.

At some point, Fred Thompson had signed a book for my grandfather – I guess it was this one. And at some point, my grandfather had loaned or given the book to my dad. Since my dad hasn’t been his son-in-law for almost 20 years, it had to have been a long, long time ago.

My dad and I speculated that the book would soon be valued at a lot more – or a lot less. But at any rate, he’d give me the book if I wanted it.

I told VolMom, a life long Dem, about the rediscovered tome and she said “Well, I hope it stays worthless.”