A good day

Hurray – the Vols win!


Not that we weren’t expecting it – what with Cletus wearing his lucky Tennessee hat and all. I hope the winning doesn’t run out any time soon, ’cause the lucky hat is getting smaller and smaller.



We listened to the football game this morning. It was a good solid win by the end, of course, but there were some worrying moments early on. Still…onwards and upwards – right?

I got the Vol-in-Law to load the game up for me so I wouldn’t be in any danger of seeing the score. I kinda knew the Vols won just by his demeanor. There was no evil glint in his eye. I hate to say it, but I think my husband enjoys a bad Tennessee season.


To celebrate, and just cause we felt like it we went to Bodeans BBQ in Clapham. The meal was pretty good, re-runs of yesterday’s college football games were on the TV where Steve Spurrier was looking gloomy and Cletus slept on a blanket on the booth seat through the whole meal. Wooohooo! And on the way home I realised that today marks my first anniversary of quitting smoking.