Baby wear

Cletus is measuring on the small side of normal – but even so, we’re nearing the end of the 0 to 3 months range of clothing. Some 0 to 3s still swamp him, but others are a little snug. Still other outfits – like the adorable seersucker rompers are useless in the cold spell we’re having.

VolMom bought a lot of outfits for Cletus. I mean a lot. Three big old suitcases full. They were all sorted into different size ranges and newborns and 0-3s were stored accessible areas – but further age ranges (he has pretty much the first year covered) were in the highest shelf of our closet – reachable only with the aid of a step ladder. At least that was the plan. I have to admit that I didn’t pay too much attention when the clothes were first brought over because I had a brand new little baby and, as it turned out, a raging post-operative infection.

The other day, I dragged out the ladder and started going through the clothes. I found a whole little treasure trove of untouched 0-3s. Some of them still had their consignment store price tags along with their original labels – meaning at least one other baby never wore them either. I wonder just how many babies never wore them. There could have been an endless chain of baby wardrobes these rompers and onesies passed through essentially untouched.

I hope VolMom had a fun time buying them – ’cause I hate to admit – a few of them went right in the storage bag.

But there were some outfits I just had to put on him – even if he only wore them once.

old fashioned baby

I smile because my Mommy dresses me funny.

Cross cultural comparisons

A Tri-Cities area chicken farmer featured in the latest round of the US version of Survivor. It was filmed in China. And here’s how Steve “Chicken” Morris summed up his observations.

“There’s no biscuits and gravy, and there’s no cornbread and beans. And not too many front porches,” he said. “A very unusual culture it is.”

Well, there you go. Genius. You could say the same about England. And Steve – you should see what they do to ice tea here!

(Of course, I do some pretty darn good cornbread and beans – if I do say so myself.)

Hat tip to Big Orange Michael’s TV coverage at Music City Bloggers.