Speaking of must see attractions

I posted yesterday about some of the most exciting and most disappointing tourist destinations. I can’t believe that Natural Bridge in Virginia didn’t make the must-see list. Especially with such added attractions as the Dinosaur Kingdom for your education and amusement:

It’s 1863 and Union soldiers have discovered a hidden valley filled with dinosaurs. Now the Yankees plan to use the dinos as weapons of mass destruction against the South.

Something tells me things kinda backfired for the Union Army.

I gotta see this place.

Hat tip: Hillbilly Savants, photo courtesy of The Anti-Zim check out the rest of her amazing
Natural Bridge photo set.

Davy’s birthday

It was Davy’s birthday on Friday, and what did I get him? Nothing. But the taxpayers of Tennessee are gonna get him a brand new statue in Nashville.

Sharon Cobb has more on the monumental resolution passed this year.

Col. Crockett already has a lovely monument on the square in Lawrenceburg.

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Apparently paid for by the people through the largesse of the Tennessee legislature.

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