Morning baby

Cletus has got an impressive set of lungs. That boy can holler.


But one good thing about him is that he seems to be a morning baby.

After sleeping through much of the night, he wakes up chipper.

He didn’t get that from either of us. In the morning, I just want to be alone. And the Vol-in-Law is even worse.

“Maybe he really is the milkman’s son…” I say “After all the milkman must be a morning person.” Our milk is delivered in the wee small hours, at least it’s always there when I get up.

“Yeah, right.” says the ViL “I can’t see you getting up at 4.45 to have sex with the milkman.”

Posted in baby. 1 Comment »

One Response to “Morning baby”

  1. Furrow Says:

    So, he’s still Cletus, eh? You have a knack for catching him in his less composed moments.

    I hope you’re on the road to recovery now.

    (Is it fun having a milkman? I don’t mean “having” in that sense.)

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