i said i wouldn’t do it

I keep saying I’m not going to blog about the presidential elections – until – you know, it’s an actual election year. And I’m not – it’s just that Fred was in town yesterday – and that’s really more like blogging about a colorful former neighbor than it is about the election – since Fred hasn’t even declared.

Anyway Sean Braisted picks up The Tennessean coverage of the Fred visit:

“The United States, Great Britain and our coalition should be proud of what we have averted. Imagine Saddam Hussein and his murderous sons in power today, successfully defying the international community and free to pursue weapons programs.”

Hrmm…imagine a region more stable with Saddam in power. Imagine Iraq not being a proving ground for future 9/11 type terrorists. Imagine a more diplomatic resolution to our worries over WMD in Iraq. Imagine a country not in the throws of a 21st Century civil war…Imagine, its easy if you try.

My faux Estonian* carpenter once said to me – well, right after Saddam Hussein was captured “I don’t know why everybody is so happy about Saddam, he was the right man for the right place.”

(He also said that things were much better when Estonia was part of the USSR because at least you got an apartment.)

I didn’t much subscribe to either Igor’s or Mr Braisted’s view, but I’m beginning to wonder if the bloody calculus is starting to tip to Saddam’s favor? And when you do really start to reckon that maybe things would have been better off under that butcher, then you know we can’t go on keeping on with what we’re doing.


Meanwhile, Fred Thompson’s lecture to the Policy Exchange garnered some attention on this side of the water, too. Mostly for Fred being homophobic. Is he? I mean if he hadda been on his way out of Lawrenceburg, that wouldn’t have surprised me. But now? After all those years filming in La-la Land and NYC and living in DC. I doubt it. But you never know.

Iain Dale has the views and the links to Fred’s actual speech.


I was gonna post this yesterday – but I had a bad day with the baby….

*faux Estonian – turns out that he was really ethnic Russian – and you know what they say about Russian carpentry