Materialistic jubilation and bitter ironies

If you wait long enough, home comforts will come to you. A product line I missed desperately in my early days in the UK has finally arrived from across the Atlantic. Unlike pumpkin pie filling, I found no reasonable substitute (making it from scratch, which turns out to be soooo much better anyway – living in the wilds of Britain has liberated me from the tyranny of branded and pre-processed ingredients). Unlike Karo syrup, I found no exclusive and expensive supply (at Selfridges) or a reasonable, but imperfect facsimile (Golden Syrup).

No, it just wasn’t available and nothing came close.

And no, sadly, it’s not SunDrop – but something almost as good.

The Sharpie. Yes, the Sharpie is finally available in the UK. I haven’t seen it in stores, but I have seen it advertised on tv.

(Image ripped from the official Sharpie site)

Yes, I am a stationery fetishist – but the Sharpie is the supreme permanent marker – it will write on almost anything – as I learned during my undergraduate days as a geology student – marking many, many rock samples with barely a dimunition in flow.

And sure my needs for a permanent marker are less than they used to be, but when you need a Sharpie you need a Sharpie.

And now I can get one here in the UK.


And then there ‘s the ironic twist worthy of O’Henry

Now that I can get a Sharpie, is just the time when my household may not be best suited for permanent markers.

Image ripped from here

3 Responses to “Materialistic jubilation and bitter ironies”

  1. Vol K Says:

    but I bet you can’t even sniff the marker yet, since you’re breast feeding? Ask your doctor if it’s ok.

  2. Big D Says:

    If I’d known, I would have brought you a big rainbow package of them. Goldie Hawn loves Sharpies, too. My friend worked at the bookstore where she did her SF book signing and she demanded: 5 fuschia sharpies to sign with, lipton tea bags, chamomile tea, and peppermint tea. A pot of hot water. She brought her own mug. I can’t remember the snacks she demanded but I recall the words “organic” and “spirulina” She would only sign books purchased at that bookstore. Nothing else would be signed. Put away your private benjamin lunchboxes and 8 x 10 glossies from Laugh-In. Goldie would only sign her name. No personalized messages. Goldie was hardcore.

  3. Rachel Says:

    1) Congrats on the new baby!
    2) How did people live over there without Sharpies?
    3) I didn’t know you were a geology student – that was my undergrad major!

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