Head injuries

A long time ago, I was holding a baby that was just under a year old. I was holding him very carefully. He was a wiggly baby and I was afraid he would pitch out of my arms, forward, and onto the floor.

Unfortunately, I didn’t think he might pitch sideways. He did. And he banged his little head on the wooden arm of the sofa. The baby cried. I was horrified. The Vol-in-Law was horrified.

And ever since then, the ViL has focused on my baby bashing abilities. He has not let me forget, although I told him it could happen to anyone.


Yesterday, the ViL bumped the head of the baby Cletus on the wooden arm of a commemorative bench in the cemetery.

I could have been angry or concerned. But I was thrilled. Ha, ha. He’ll not be able to hold that baby bashing incident over me any longer, I thought.

(Cletus is fine, BTW, but more importantly, I am vindicated)

Posted in baby. 2 Comments »

2 Responses to “Head injuries”

  1. Sam Says:

    About 25 years ago, my brother was gently tossing our toddler nephew up in the air and catching him. There couldn’t have been more than a couple of inches of air between the youngun’s chubby sides and my brother’s hands at any given moment, but inexplicably my brother didn’t notice the ceiling fan slowly turning above both of their heads. You know what happens. He tossed my nephew into the path of the fan blades and the thud made the godawfulest sound you ever heard. The baby starts screaming, everybody rushes in. My brother, stoic Marine, tough as nails Vietnam War vet, was reduced to babbling tears. I’ve never felt worse for somebody in my whole life. Needless to say, there wasn’t a mark on the kid. No bumps, no nothing. In five minutes he was laughing and playing as if nothing had happened. The morals of this interminable tale are: As you’ve discovered, baby’s are incredibly tough or else there wouldn’t be enough people surviving long enough to make any more people. Second, these things will happen, and 999 times out of a 1000, nothing bad ever results. Here endeth the lesson.

  2. Big D Says:

    Watch out for that little fontanel, ViL!! VA, I think you should make it your goal to expose your breasts to as many Londoners as possible.

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