Does this work?

I was looking at Household Tips for Women at The Onion when I spotted this one:

When you open yourself to the abundance of the universe, anything is possible… even getting a clean toilet with NO SCRUBBING! Pour a can of Coca-Cola into the toilet, let it sit for one hour, and then flush it clean. You can use that extra sixty minutes of free time to believe, breathe, dream, laugh, or CELEBRATE what makes you UNIQUE!

Does this work? I mean not that it matters too much to me, since it’s my husband’s job to to clean the toilet. But I just thought maybe, if it did work, he could celebrate what makes him unique.

3 Responses to “Does this work?”

  1. melusina Says:

    I have no idea if it works. But I have to wonder what would happen if you put Coke and Mentos in the toilet.

  2. Vol Abroad Says:

    That sounds hysterical! But I’m not trying it at my house.

  3. genderist Says:

    If coke will eat the corrosion off of a car battery, it’s certainly worth a try…

    (but we’ve not tried it!)

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