t-14: missed countdown

Yesterday, I missed the Cletus countdown post. I was in a bad mood yesterday. I was sort of questioning why I even got into this baby thing when all I really wanted was a kitten. (Yes, I know, I appear to have made a fundamental error re. biology) I went off by myself to look at new bbqs. Nothing like expensive outdoor toys to make a girl feel better.

I joke about the kitten thing, but truth be told I’ve never been one of these women who seem to burn for a baby. I was curious, sure, I mean I guess I wanted a baby. I didn’t not want a baby at this stage in my life. But I can’t say I had this overwhelming, all-consuming desire for baby. In my mid-30s, I had to consider that there might not be a baby and I was perfectly OK with that. I had made up my mind that whatever happened, I wouldn’t go down the road of increasingly more complicated assistance in conception. I’m enough competitive that I would get wrapped up in triumphing over my own biology – and that probably wouldn’t be a healthy place to be.

I do feel slightly bad when I hear of women who are so desperate for a baby, women who go to extraordinary lengths (injections and hormones and IVF) to conceive and I’m like “Babies. They’re alright. I couldn’t eat a whole one.” and now I’m two weeks away from having one. I can’t really understand that compelling drive, but when I look on it from the outside it looks quite unpleasant. All that self-doubt and sense of loss and longing and doctor’s appointments – even when things maybe aren’t that bad.


BTW, the Vol-in-Law had finally caved on allowing me a kitten. But then we found out I was pregnant and so he said “You don’t need a kitten, you’re having a baby.” Now he says it wouldn’t be fair on the kitten, but that we can get Cletus a kitten when he’s old enough to appreciate it.

So cute.

Part of me thinks maybe I should get into the kitten breeding business. Just one queen. Limited litters. I’d not make a ton of money, but there would be cute kittens around – a lot. You can sell regular old kittens in London for between £100 and £200 a kitten. ($200 and $400).

14 days til baby Cletus, who knows how long til I get my kitten

9 Responses to “t-14: missed countdown”

  1. jen Says:

    i often think that those people who are least *driven* to have kids, make the best parents. they seem to have a more balanced perspective, rather than just “baby fever”.

    and you would make such a fortune in the kitten business. people out there are unloading full grown, non-neutered stray toms for £100.

  2. Vol Abroad Says:

    I couldn’t make a fortune in the kitten business, because I love cats too much. I wouldn’t want to stress out the kitty mama too much. And I wouldn’t want too many breeding cats at our house – I hate those nasty, unhygenic puppy and kitten mills. At most we might clear £1500 a year, but we’d be surrounded by gorgeous kittens! (Of course, that £1500 would be pretty much tax free…).

  3. Amy Says:

    I have never been baby crazy. I think it’s a cruel trick of fate that I had a hard time getting pregnant. I was kind of forced to develop a certain degree of embryo fanaticism just to make the whole thing happen. Not cool. I was never meant to be like that.

  4. Amy Says:

    Oh, and I had heard about adoptable pets being somewhat scarce in Britain. Can we ship some of our poor death row kittens and puppies over there?

  5. jen Says:

    I know what you mean – which is why I just couldn’t bring myself to buy a kitten when we were looking. I just couldn’t support such irresponsible breeding practices

    But £1500 could go a long way towards easing any moral angst. (Not to mention how many pairs of baby shoes for Cletus?)


  6. Anglofille Says:

    I think it’s important that women discuss their sometimes ambivalent feelings about motherhood. The media and the government and religions perpetuate the lie that if you aren’t overwhelmed with pure joy at the mere thought of motherhood, there is something wrong with you. Of course, spreading these lies helps further their own agendas. But my point is, I think it’s important that women share the truth of their motherhood experiences, good and bad.

  7. Nicole Says:

    I am the same about babies- which is why I was okay with hooking up with Stuart – he is very much anti having kids. . . I agree with Jen about ‘people who are least *driven* to have kids, make the best parents.’

    You guys are going to be great. And just think of all the baby clothes you wll be able to put on your cats. . .

  8. Vol Abroad Says:

    We’ll have to breed more cats to do that…you can pretty much only get one outfit on per cat. They wise up after the first time.

  9. Vol Abroad Says:

    Anglofille – I agree, the whole happy-happy thing can be a bit oppressive – and it’s important to know that you’re not alone. But, I think you have to be sensible, too.

    I might be mature enough to understand the complex nature of human emotion (sometimes I do anyway!) But Cletus won’t be – not for a long, long time anyway.

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