Stubborn baby

Apparently it’s quite normal to worry about your baby’s in utero movements – or lack of them. Early on, if I felt Cletus moving and laid my hand on my tum – he would stop. And he would never, ever perform for daddy. This didn’t make me worry about the health of Cletus, but it did cause me a little concern about his potential personality. Was this a sign of latent orneriness? Was he being a stubborn baby?

Today I had a doctor’s appointment and my GP asked if the baby was moving – “Yes,” I said, but I told her that I didn’t expect much movement following the appointment. Whenever the doppler had been used to measure his heartbeat, he’d stopped moving for about 24 hours afterwards. “I don’t think he likes it,” I said.

The healthcare professionals seem to be in the habit of really shoving that doppler into my belly and thus into Cletus. Ouch. No wonder the little fellow sulked for a full day.

Today she was more gentle. The softer approach didn’t seem to harm the measurement and little Cletus hasn’t sulked.


The weather has been very changeable. But today it was warm and lovely and since I’m using up a vacation day again – I was able to have lunch outside. My magnolia is going a bit brown prematurely – as we’ve had some days that were just a little too cold.

magnolia stellata

But there are still some nice blossoms.