On the beat

The Vol-in-Law has just returned from walking the beat with the local police – he sits on a neighbourhood panel – and this was part of his duty.

He stopped by the house halfway through – just so I could finger his kevlar (I’m still off sick).

He said it was just like The Bill (a popular British cop show) – as apparently about a month’s worth of stuff happened on his “shift”. He’s pretty hyped up – telling me about all the crime in our local area.

He was impressed by the woman police officer who was his beat officer. He said she had a real way with criminals – and was able to keep them calm. Apparently, the young crims on the street flipped out when male police officers tried to talk to them or touch them – but when a woman searched them they didn’t lose face in front of their crim friends – and so they were able to proceed without escalating the incident beyond control.

I asked if there’d been any arrests. Oh yes, he said. And the ViL told me about a guy who was arrested not so much for the dope they found on him – but for disorderly conduct. Basically, for swearing at the police. The ViL’s advice is really, to really, really never swear at the police. He said “That guy could’ve been your brother,” (implying that way his mouth got him arrested). I’ll be sure to pass that on to VolBro.

Before that incident – she told the ViL that it was time to make some arrests – so they just headed to a local discount store Primark to find some shoplifters. Apparently, it was “opening a lobster pot” – they just went to store security and rounded up the active shoplifters visible on the security cameras.

with the real Police and PCSO
The ViL breaks cover for this photo with the local coppers

Hidden Cletus

VolMom has been shopping for baby clothes. She managed to send me some pictures. Guess what the classy babies in Loretto, TN are wearing…

Cletus Wardrobe 006

I’m not sure there will be another baby in London with quite the same outfit.

She also bought this outfit:

Cletus Wardrobe 012

It’s hard to make out, but that’s smocking underneath those little Scotty Dogs. And of course, the Little Lord Fauntleroy collar is easy enough to spot – from like 100 paces.

That’s right – we plan to raise Cletus to be tough and sensitive.