Popular pics

I upload most of my photos to Flickr. The good folks at Flickr help me keep track of how many times my photos have been looked at. Sometimes the most viewed photos make sense… I mean this shot is pretty cool:

two nervous fellows

And this is also one of my favorites:

sky and magnolia

And this one…well, it’s kinda cute and I’ve put it on this blog several times and it was one of the first pics I uploaded (but over 500 views?)

white and black cat

I don’t check this stat very often – but I did check it this morning. And lo and behold – one of my wallaby pics had absolutely zoomed up the viewing ranks. Goodness knows I think wallabies are adorable, but I can’t fathom the surge in popularity.


Why oh why oh why?

Posted in photo. 1 Comment »

One Response to “Popular pics”

  1. jen Says:

    someone has linked to it.

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