Little tot chic

VolMom says she might have to join grandmother’s shoppers anonymous. Apparently, she has been hitting the sales racks looking for clothes for Baby Cletus. She assures me that she hasn’t spent a lot of money. Good. Today’s Tennessean features a letter to the editor on expensive baby fashion:

Chic wasted on tots

To the Editor:
Do babies and toddlers actually care what their clothes look like? I was shocked to read that mothers actually spend $100 on their toddler’s jeans and $28 on a T-shirt!Such young children do not care what they look like or if they are wearing the new “in” style look this season. Not only that, but children grow so fast, they would not even get good wear out of their costly clothing.

Also, why would one risk the chance of having their child’s costly attire ruined by allowing him or her to play outside or eat food that has any chance of ending up on his or her outfit? I say stick with hand-me-downs and consignment sales and find a better use for the extra money. Maybe a college fund?

Lisa Elder

Unlike Ms Elder – I exhort the mothers of Tennessee to spend reckless amounts of money on baby fashion. The grandmother-to-be has been hitting the consignment shops and has found some good deals, but unless you Tennessee parents buy (and then re-sell) your expensive baby-gear there will be nothing left to buy. Could I request though that you avoid items with excessive designer branding (a personal dislike of mine) and perhaps get (and pass on) some more orange items?