A different take on gay marriage

Here’s one I hadn’t heard before:

First of all, I do not believe that the Biblical definition of marriage is a union between man and woman. Marriage, as defined by God, is a covenant between man, woman, and God. Many non-Christians marry every year in Tennessee. Their marriages aren’t Biblical, but they are alright with that. They are legal though. So from a Christian standpoint, there shouldn’t be any difference between two non-Christians marrying and two homosexuals marrying. Why do we allow one “non Christian” marriage and not the other? Why are we so concerned about what two homosexuals are doing that we are willing to go to the trouble of passing a constitutional amendment defining marriage? The reason to me is simple. Many of us, obviously the majority, have an extra bit of contempt for homosexuals. What it amounts to is bigotry. I know I am in the minority on this, but think about it. Why would we even care one iota about what two homosexuals are doing, unless there was something spiritually wrong with us?

Although I suppose I’m ethnically Protestant, I wouldn’t consider myself to be a card-carrying Christian anymore (or at the time of my wedding). So I guess, my marriage falls into the same category as any old non-Christian – or even homosexual marriage. And Glen Dean apparently thinks that should be OK.

I can’t say I’ve ever heard this particular argument before – but if it’s one that makes you feel better, great. I guess in a way it’s more liberal and laissez-faire than my own reasons for supporting gay marriage.

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