
This year for Christmas, I gave my parents copies of a book called A year in the garden, 2006. It was my book. I made it with my garden and flower photos that I’d taken over, yeah – 2006. (You can see the photos in a Flickr set)

I ordered a copy for myself, too, as a record of the gardening year. The Vol-in-Law opened the package first. He was not impressed. See, I’d done a book of our trip to America over Christmas 2005 using a different company based in Britain. For a variety of reasons using that company again for gift giving in America just wasn’t practical – and yes the Qoop book from 2006 wasn’t quite as good – mostly because I didn’t have any real control over layout, text size, backgrounds, etc. etc.

The Vol-in-Law does not hold back on his constructive criticism and accused me of being cheap and lazy (all too true, I’m afraid). But he conceded that since my parents hadn’t seen the photo book from our trip to America – maybe they just wouldn’t know any better and would think the gift was alright.

Well, my parents seemed to be fooled anyway – as I got good feedback on the book – or perhaps I got good feedback on the photos and the book didn’t detract from the images too much.

Anyway, he told me that next year I had better raise my game. I don’t reckon I’m giving away the game too much, but we’re already planning to give my parents and his a photo book of Cletus and his first months – (we might sneak a few flower pics in too). If I know my mom, she’ll have anticipated something like that already. But I won’t have to go back to the slow-to-use and kinda expensive British photo book company. No, I’ve found a new one – via an American expat blogger Jackie Danicki who was working on a cook book.

So I checked it out. I haven’t yet had a printed version done yet, but I’ve been working on a book of our French vacation in September and I’m really impressed by the ease of handling the photos (you can pull them in from your Flickr account in case like me – you happen to have photos on different PCs) and the flexibility of the layouts. It means that not only can I include my photos – but also the text – since I blogged my vacation. I’ve really been having fun pulling it together.

I’ve even suggested to Genderist that she pull a cookbook together based on family recipes for her sister’s wedding. My aunt Virginia gave me a handwritten book for my wedding that I still use.

Posted in photo. 8 Comments »

8 Responses to “Authoring”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Grand idea. It kills me that I cannot watch Cletus change in that first year. This will ease the pain. VolMom

  2. jen Says:

    I’m trying to find a way to turn my World Tour blog into a book, and got all excited about… until I realised they don’t support blogs 😦 They say they’re adding that later this year, so here’s hoping.

  3. Vol Abroad Says:

    Yeah, Jen, I might have a total of 14 posts from my trip across the channel, so it’s no big deal to cut and paste. I hope they do a wordpress version for you soon.

  4. Phil Says:

    You’ll be getting more control over layouts and hardback options in the next few months on QOOP. Let me know if you’d like to test it once you see it live.

  5. genderist Says:

    I would do a cookbook, but we just received a big book of Nana’s recipes two Xmases ago… so I’m now thinking in terms of a post-wedding present where I take bunches of snapshots in the days before and during the wedding, and then turn those into a book for her. Maybe use the text/picture option that you mentioned for Cletus’ big debut.

  6. Vol Abroad Says:

    Right – you definitely don’t need to do the cook book again, then. But yes, post wedding that would be great. I was actually thinking about scanning in our wedding pictures and doing something like that – but we’ll see, it’s kinda lower priority now that it’s almost 10 years on. My wedding album includes a lot of pictures NOT at the wedding – the days beforehand and after and also the weddings of the cousins that got married the week before and after me. The wedding itself is nothing (well, almost nothing) it’s all those pictures of people who are important in our lives – some of whom are now not with us – that are really special.

    You’ll also have the advantage that maybe you can gather together other people’s digital photos, too.

  7. KathyF Says:

    Well, I just downloaded Blurb yesterday and already I’m ready to kill it. There’s just not enough flexibility there for me. You can’t adjust the layouts they provide, not even resizing the text boxes.

    I may try out Qoop, or

    Otherwise, I see you can make pages in InDesign and then import them as jpg.s into Blurb. Depending on price, that may be the best option (LuLu charges a fortune for color photos.)

  8. Vol Abroad Says:

    oop is good for just doing a straightforward photo book – particularly from Flickr. It’s super fast – and then you’re done. But currently NO flexibility really.

    There were a couple of things I was planning to do for the blurb photo book – e.g. a map of France with our route highlighted – that I’d need to do in another programme and then upload as a full page .jpg

    I’ve seen other people talk about digital scrapbooking software – but I haven’t really looked into that yet.

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