
My little cat Fancy has developed two little bald patches on her shoulder blades. I was just talking to her about them – in that “cute” little voice I have for the precious cat.

“Don’t go bald on your shoulders, Fancy. Don’t get little bald patches. It’s quite to distressing to me. No one likes bald patches.”

“Harumph,” goes my husband in the next room.

“What??” I say

“No one likes bald patches…on cats – I’m sure you meant to say.”

“Yes, of course.” I reply.

Yep, the Vol-in-Law is so virile and testosterone laden that he’s got a touch of the classic male pattern baldness – and the sensitivity that goes with it. But it’s true, better a balding husband than a balding cat.

5 Responses to “Oops”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Is Fancy the black cat, or your other one? Reason I ask is over the years I have noticed the balding as a common trait in black cats. My former longtime co-worker has one that winds up practically bald all over except for in the very dead of winter, and my older black cat has lost much of his hair on one side and his legs this year.

    (He’s lost some weight too from aging and has become flabby from the weight loss, let me tell you – that and the baldness? He looks ridiculous.)

  2. Vol Abroad Says:

    Yep, Fancy is the little black cat. Oh, she’s just the cutest thing ever, and she won’t be with bald patches on her back.

    Oh well, I guess it was too much to hope for a cat that didn’t have something obviously weird about it. (My white and black cat is pretty in photos, but everyone knows her as a freak because of her pathologically shy behaviour).

  3. kathyF Says:

    Embrace the baldness. Shave it all off, make it look like you mean it.

  4. Vol Abroad Says:

    Gee Kathy, did you mean husband or kitty (or both) should embrace the baldness?

    ’cause I am not shaving my cat

  5. Lynnster Says:

    I swear I think it’s a black cat thing. The good news is that the two I know that go bald frequently grow it back and lose it again, so maybe Fancy won’t be bald year round and every day!!

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