No sickie

The teaser boards for tonight’s London Evening Standard said.

Biggest sick day ever

Apparently, thousands skipped the return to work today. I went to work, but I did not like it.

When I woke up a little congested this morning, I did contemplate pulling the the old sickie. But there just wasn’t enough snot to drown out the old protestant work ethic. And anyway, it all cleared up by nine.

Sorry for any imagery that may have produced.

4 Responses to “No sickie”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Heh on the imagery. Well, been there, done that, no biggie. 🙂

  2. Ginger Says:

    Funny you should bring this up…Unfortunately, I had to pull the old sickie today…I’m running a fever of 101 currently. I’m sure my boss thinks I’m wimping out…oh well…

  3. Vol Abroad Says:

    When I was a little stuffy yesterday, I did think “Man, if I do call in they’ll never believe me…”

    To tell the truth, I had more phlegm on a daily basis when I was a smoker.

  4. Anonymous Says:

    I wanted to call in sick, but didn’t… and now I’m a sniffle-cough machine. Sadly, no fever, so I can’t justify calling in…

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