You can always tell a UT girl

…by her calves.

I have a sturdy build. And when the end-times come, my peasant physique will stand me in good stead. But it’s hell on fashion.

Knee hi boots are in – that is they’re still in, and I still can’t wear them. I can’t wedge my thickset ankles and sturdy calves into those boots.

Vol-K was complaing about all those bird-legged British women on the streets of London with their skinny jeans and skinny legs and skinny boots.

Forget about it Vol-K, you have a degree in engineering from the University of Tennessee. That’s too many treks up and down the Hill – plus the uphill both ways trips to Dougherty – not to leave a mark on those calves. Anyway, those skinny legged girls might exerience calf-snappage at any moment. Count your blessings.

Even when I was younger and thinner, my calves have always had a solidness about them. I was once working out at the Bubble – using the climbing machine (probably not helping matters) – when a guide brought a group of prospective UT students in. She pointed me out. She pointed out my calves. “See girls, after a year at UT- you can have calves like that, too.”

I don’t think those high school girls were too impressed.