hi-scale corruption

After my post about the scales (hopefully) falling from the eyes* of those people who still think we’re winning in Iraq, I saw this:

I’m not going to read the ISG report because I think it a publicity stunt. I know more about Iraq than Sandra Day O’Connor.

What I did do was search the ISG report for “corruption” which is cited 15 times in the 84-page report and only in reference to Iraqi corruption. Three of the citations refer to ISG recommendations to combat Iraqi corruption.

Here at mrs panstreppon’s blog at the TPM Cafe (read it – it’s quite good)

Yes, I failed to mention the corruption at the first go – that is our corruption. I had generally wrapped up the corruption under the incompetence – as to me it’s all about bad governance. At worst, one might hope that American officials would tut-tut at the underhanded dealings of Iraqi officials – but it looks like a lot of the pigs at the trough were red, white and blue. Here’s a post I did some time ago on Iraq’s lost billions.

*The Vol-in-Law who spends more time in the right wing blogosphere than I tells me that although the scales might have temporarily fallen from the eyes of the neo-cons; those who were momentarily blinded by the light have been scrambling around looking for those scales on the ground beneath them just so they could believe again.

Safe and sound!

Thanks for the concern Brittney!

Tornado Hits The Square Mile

The Vol Abroad? Are you okay?

That was pretty wild to see – ’cause sure, I’m used to concern about my safety in terms of bombs and stuff (even back in the “good old” IRA days). But bad weather? I’m far more used to worrying about y’all in Tennessee. The greenest state in the land of the free even makes British news every now then for the severe weather – and I have to dutifully check the news and say “Nah, that’s hit those West Tennesseans again – nothing to worry about.”* Or earlier this year when real, big scary tornados hit Nashville – while my cousin was undergoing an emergency C-section because of dangerous pre-eclampsia. (Cousin A and baby were OK).

Anyway, thanks. I didn’t see the post til this morning – as I was slaving away at work til very late. But here’s the comment, I left at Nashville is Talking.

Did it really hit the square mile** – holy crap. I was right next to one then!!! I work right near the City.

Yeah – I’m ok. The wind was whistling through the windows of my office building, but then it was all ok. I guarantee you I am the only one (and the other two Americans who work on my floor) who knows the correct procedure for tornado drills or real tornado hits. I could have BRAVELY led my comrades to a windowless corridor and told them to assume the position. I’m almost sorry it didn’t happen!

There was big damage up in North West London (where we used to live). Being devoted South Londoners now (and generally not very nice people) we snickered at the news report and congratulated ourselves for one more good reason we no longer live in the Borough of Brent.

*Sorry Newscoma – I’m afraid I’m a rampant Grand Divisionist – but I’m working hard to overcome my prejudice.
**No – it did not really hit the Square Mile – but it was quite windy that way. I imagine someone’s umbrella was turned inside out and perhaps an investment banker lost a hat. We actually heard thunder – a rare occurrence in Britain – especially in December.