Kitty diet

Prompted by this post – and the not yet dangerous or unsightly, but growing paunch of our slim cat – the Vol-in-Law has decided that he is putting our cats on a diet.

The first step was buying “senior, low-activity”, i.e. lazy fat-cat cat food. We have switched from an apparently deee-licious imported American brand of cat food to a probably far less tasty brand of low-cal “la ligne” preserving French cat food. I think it might be mostly made of hay.

The second step will be PORTION CONTROL. This may be where we have been going wrong in the past. According to the diagram on the French bag of cat food (which shows one sleekit cat and how much it should eat and one fat cat and how much it should eat) – we may have been feeding our cats too much. Let’s refer to the picture again:

served up

It’s quite likely that we’ve been feeding our cats too much.

Unfortunately all the European recipes and portion sizes are in grams – a weight measurement – which means scales. This includes the cat food portion sizes. After 10 years in the UK – I still use American cookbooks because I use cups – a volume measurement. Using scales seems faffy and pointless – but I do have a scale somewhere. The Vol-in-Law must be serious about slimming these cats down because he:

1. asked me where the scale was
2. ventured into the chaotic pots and pans cabinet to find the scales (I heard the clanging from the other room and held my breath against breakages)
3. did not find the scales, but is determined to look in the cabinet above the oven (which is where I thought it was all along). That is the hard-to-reach storage space for disposable cups and plates, never-used and rarely-used nice tablecloths and cloth napkins and our collection of national flags for display on national holidays and the occasional international sporting events. (please don’t ask why scales are in there)

Anyway, since we’ve not yet found the scales the cats have about a day or two left of the tasty American cat food (at least in terms of their current portion sizes) before they’re put on the French hay.

Soon to be hungry

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