And we’re off

It doesn’t auger well when your 9 day road trip is delayed by a dead battery.

poor start

But we called out the breakdown service and we were soon on our way and straight into a 10 mile tailback. At least we’d decided to stay overnight in Dover before catching our ferry to Calais in the morning. We can almost see the ferry port from our hotel room – the view obscured mostly by the dumpsters beneath our window.

New Vol resources

How ’bout them Vols?

How ’bout them Vol bloggers?

Excellent new Volunteer football resources online. I’ve begun my Vol blog roll (check the sidebar), which will take you to Rocky Top Talk, Voluminous and some new bloggers, too. And the fantastic new Rocky Top Brigade Vol aggregator.


Even for the expat, you know it’s football time in Tennessee when:

  • You wear orange to work every Friday
  • You amaze Brits with the Neyland Stadium seating statistics (even the slow-to-complete national stadium here doesn’t seat that many)
  • Every time we’re near a live band I ask my husband “Do you think they know Rocky Top?”
  • My computer desktop image becomes the aerial view of Neyland Stadium.

And I make dang sure that everyone around me knows it, too.

Shot through the heart

The Croc hunter is dead. Stung in the chest by a stingray while filming an underwater documentary, Steve Irwin died on the beach leaving behind his American born wife and two children.

Fellow Australian film maker David Ireland said:

“I don’t want to go into this because I’m thinking of his family and what they must be going through, but they (stingrays) are very dangerous.

“They have one or two barbs in the tails which are not only coated in toxic material but are also like a bayonet, like a bayonet on a rifle.

“If it hits any vital organs it’s as deadly as a bayonet.”

Stingrays, dangerous? D’ya think?

I enjoyed Steve Irwin’s shows, but that dude was craaazy.