Just a little gift of sunshine

After what seems like weeks of rain (it’s actually about a week and half) we finally had a warm and sunny afternoon.

Other Cat enjoyed the brief sunshine in the garden – while I worked at home yesterday PM, taking my laptop out into the garden.


But now it’s raining again.

Tomorrow’s my birthday, and I would enjoy nothing more than a gift of sunshine this Bank Holiday weekend. But this being Britain and this being a Bank Holiday weekend then it will almost certainly rain.

4 Responses to “Just a little gift of sunshine”

  1. St. Caffeine Says:

    Well, Vol, I’ll go ahead and wish you a happy birthday. I am, though, a little skeptical of this claim: “I would enjoy nothing more than a gift of sunshine.” I just bet you can come up with a few things you’d enjoy more — an end to the hosepipe ban, world peace, a new toy train set, …

  2. Vol Abroad Says:

    well, yes, an end to the hosepipe ban would be good.

  3. Nicole Says:

    Happy Birthday!

  4. Anglofille Says:

    Have a wonderful birthday! I’m sorry the weather is so dreadful, but I hope you have a fabulous day. 🙂

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