Make a wish

The Make-a-Wish foundation grants wishes to kids with life threatening illnesses. I think we’ve all heard the heartwarming stories of meeting celebrities the trip to Disneyworld, etc.

But little Harrison Richard, who is recovering from a kidney tumor, used his wish to perform a public service to all Londoners.

Yes, little Harrison operated the giant crusher that struck the first blow against that municipal mistake, the Greater London Council Island block – once an office building for council workers.

Now it’s a little boy’s dream come true. What a wish!

Harrison said: “I don’t mind which is the next building I knock down as long as it is old and ugly like this one,”

It will take another 16 weeks to take down this montrosity. In the meantime, Harrison has the demolition outfit with hardhat and boots and was given a toy model of the crusher he used to strike a blow against urban ugliness.

Photo thanks to Derelict London.

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