…and guess who else is running locally?

I blogged recently about the BNP running candidates in the local elections in England (tomorrow!). But today we got a leaflet from the Communist Party. I wasn’t aware there was a Communist Party in Wandsworth, but there you go – if it’s not reds under the beds, it’s reds shoving leaflets through our letter box.

Though I hesitate to give the candidate the oxygen of publicity…I simply cannot resist. His name is Phil Brand. And even though I cannot vote, I will use his brochure to tally up his electoral worth.

Strong local ties (born and raised locally)
Opposes public funding of faith schools.

Backs the Palestine and Cuba solidarity campaigns
Opposes the action in Afghanistan (though I oppose the poor execution of it)
Supports Babar Ahmad
Almost everything else on his leaflet

Still, best of luck Phil – every vote for you is vote against Labour.

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