Treat me like a queen

In a post not authorised by me, the Vol-in-Law expresses some question over the Lawrence Summers – head of Harvard – resignation after his dubious remarks about women in the sciences.

Then he gets into it in the comments section with one of the regular readers. One point that caught my eye was the use of the terminology queen and king – and whether one is of lower value than another.

Now this reminded me of the time that I worked in an office in God’s own stadium with two female (engineers both) co-workers. They were bemoaning the fact that the Promise Keepers were coming to town and having a rally in that very stadium.

I hadn’t really paid that much attention to the Promise Keepers, so I wasn’t entirely sure what their objection was. One of their principal objections was the attitude toward women in general and their wives in particular.

“They tell them to treat women like queens!” my co-workers said.
“What’s wrong with that?” I said.
They stared at me aghast. I press.
“You know, putting women on a pedestal, the little woman, treat her like a queen.”
“Oh…” I said, finally getting it. “That kind of queen, I was thinking like Elizabeth I, put-him-in-the-Tower, Spanish-Armada-defeating kind of queen.”


Interestingly on the Promise Keeper website, it’s all men, men, men…til you get to the volunteering section, the hard slog of promise keeping, and there are only pictures of women.

Have to dash…must start cooking dinner for the Vol-in-Law.

Dashed hopes, shredded dreams

Bad news from the garden front – after a week of anticipation, and I’m afraid to admit that I was really, really excited, about the new garden shredder, I finally had time to assemble it on Saturday. It wasn’t raining, so I was really looking forward to a full day of shredding and chipping.

I put it together – carefully following the instructions – only to discover the dang thing just won’t turn on – switch is busted or something. We had to take it back to the store. The Vol-in-Law accompanied me because he knew I was too fragile from the crushing disappointment to go alone. All the other models were too expensive or too big or both. The equipment hire store was out, but I’ve booked a rent-a-shredder for this Saturday.

But it’s not all gloom – I have some blooms

Purple crocus – I love the orange.
2006-02-28 025 crop

An orange primrose – cultivar “Marietta”.
2006-02-28 027