Ain’t nobody here…

…but us chickens.

2006-02-21 047

Well, they found some bird ‘flu in France, in fact they’re now on “bird flu war footing” (hmm…France, war footing? – are we about to see new lows in surrendering?) That’s just a short flight across the channel. It’s bound to show up here.

I know I should be worried about this, but I can’t seem to summon up the fear. I shared a taxi with a guy not long ago who thought me foolish for my lack of concern. He knew a disturbing amount about the avian influenza, the Spanish ‘flu of nearly a century ago, and previous ‘flu epidemics. He talked about our chances here in London, the stock of vaccines and anti-viral treatments. The UK government doesn’t have enough, the NHS won’t be able to handle it…he said. I have no doubt that this is true. As he reeled off death tolls and infection rates (he knew the numbers), I did my best not to snicker.

If some nasty virulent ‘flu – like the H5N1 virus – decides to jump from human to human I know it will be bad, I just kind of accept that. In London, I know I’m a sitting duck. London already makes me sick. It makes everyone sick. You’re sharing enclosed spaces with all kinds of sniffling, coughing, wheezing fellow commuters. You touch a handrail as you begin your commute and there’s no way to wash your hands for nearly an hour. By the time I’ve accepted that I’ve got to look like a paranoid plonker on my daily commute, with gloves and a mask it will be too late.

For those who either want to scare themselves senseless or prepare and take appropriate measures – check out this site: