What’s in bloom?

I love spring bulbs and flowers…I love the anticipation and the unfolding…

What’s in bloom this week? Not a heck of a lot. My garden seems very slow to take off this year, nary a daffodil.

On the upside, this means that bulbs will have a more intense, showier season.

But here’s what’s in bloom from this week:

Hellebore – I think this is an ericsmithii, that I bought for cheap one time. Wouldn’t it be cool to have a flower named after you?

Maybe this one should be called crocus volabroadii
Orange and white crocus

I also have a smattering of snowdrops in bloom.
February snowdrop 1

My mother-in-law and I dug these up last year just after Easter from the abandoned homestead across the road from her house in Aberdeenshire. We packed them in moss and I carried them in a backpack down to London and put them out despite a raging cold. At her house they don’t bloom until late March, but they are lush and thick. This year in my garden, they’re a little straggly, but I’m pleased they’ve done as well as they have.