street art

I’ve always been a big fan of “street art”, random creative weirdness that you can just stumble across.

On my way back to work from a meeting yesterday, I took the path along the South Bank. Since I had brought my digital camera along, I walked out onto a jetty in an attempt to get a better shot of St Paul’s and the River Thames. Instead what I saw was this…


Of course, I had to walk along to the next jetty…and I saw this:


As far as “street art” goes, I’ve seen better…but I have to admire the artist’s use of duct tape.

The South Bank

The weather’s been odd (though that’s not unusual for London) When Vol K was visiting it was absolutely freezing and the sky was leaden. Not a glimpse of sun. I was coming down with SAD. It’s warmed up again, but it’s scattered showers and only a rare hint of blue skies – but at least we have the rare hints.

Yesterday, I happened to catch the rare moment of sunshine as I walked along the South Bank. I could have taken a taxi back to work, but decided to walk (turns out it was a bit further than a thought).

I thought I’d share some photos from the South Bank, both from the dreary weather days when Vol K was here and from yesterday.

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On the London Eye

view of Parliament from the London Eye

across the Thames and view of St Paul’s

The bridge to nowhere near Blackfriars Bridge and St Pauls

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Blackfriars tube sign