Brrrr…..It’s cold out there

It’s turned cold in London. And when I mean cold…I mean it’s dropped just below freezing. It was record cold in central London the other night – about 28 degress Fahrenheit. Of course, that doesn’t count the wind chill factor.


I’ve been lame on the blogging front. I’ve been quite busy at work and I’ve also been fretting about getting my house up to a respectable standard for a guest who’s coming this weekend. She says “don’t worry about it”, but I am. I’m supposed to be grown-up. Not a slob.

(Note, that I’ve been fretting but not actually cleaning.)


Speaking of squalor. We have a rodent infestation at work. There are mice and rumors of mice. Mice have been seen living, dead and clinging to the veil that separates this world from the next.

Some of my co-workers have got quite lathered up about it. Including ones who’ve admitted to having rodent pets as children (hamsters, gerbils, etc.). Myself, I can’t really see the difference. Though obviously a rat in a cage is better than a rat chewing up my files.

This problem has been going on for some time, but the whole of London is infested. The building management says that the increase in mice sightings recently means that the mice are getting desperate, the mice are on the run, the anti-mice activities are working. Hmmm…. Isn’t that what Dick Cheney says about the insurgency in Iraq?