Help! Consumer conundrum

OK, so I’ve had this idea for sometime that we should get rid of the cheap fold-out futon that serves as a guest bed and the couch we bought at a thrift store in the first year of our marriage and get a new sofa bed to replace the two.

This would give us more room in our tiny little living room and it might be more comfortable than what we’ve got.

So – I’ve found a leather sofa bed on sale here, and I’m thinking about getting it (sale ends tomorrow!). But I’m already having a bit of worry because it’s a mail order place, so I’ve never actually seen the sofa, much less touched it or sat on it – and it’s a heck of a lot of money. Plus – do those furniture sales ever actually end? Or is it a way to induce stress and poor decision making in the hapless shopper?

The Vol-in-Law’s been no help. He said “Sure, get it, if that’s what you want.” He did make me measure up though before he’d look at the picture.

folded out and coiled up like a snake

5 Responses to “Help! Consumer conundrum”

  1. jen Says:

    the fold out bit looks very flimsy – in my experience, if you really want it to serve as a guest bed, it’s worth making sure the bed part is sturdy. usually they skimp on that bit, and the bed becomes kinda useless and incredibly uncomfortable or broken. which defeats the purpose of buying a fold-out instead of a regular sofa.

    (but it does cut down on houseguests, so there is a plus!)

    just my 2p…

  2. Vol Abroad Says:

    Thanks Jen – I think you’re right.

  3. St. Caffeine Says:

    Before you buy a sofa bed make sure you’ll NEVER EVER have to move said piece of furniture yourself! I don’t know about sofa beds in the UK, but over here there is a federal regualation that they weigh at least as much as a small sedan and they usually aren’t very comfortable to sit on. At least that’s been my experience.

  4. KathyF Says:

    This is probably too late, but I ordered furniture on the internet shortly after moving here and I have lived to regret it.

  5. Vol Abroad Says:

    Jen hit on the niggling doubt that I hadn’t quite articulated. So – I didn’t get it.

    I’ve found another one that I like that looks better and we’re going to see it this weekend.

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