Squirrel madness

A pack of squirrels in Russia have attacked and killed a dog. And there are unconfirmed reports of cat harassing herds of chipmunks.

Russian scientist says: “…things must be pretty bad in our forests.” Yesss…see this photo from the Eastern forests.

Dispatch this kid quick.

  • I’ve been squirrel hunting, once, with this guy, but we never managed to see any, much less shoot any.
  • At a Royal Horticultural Society show recently, I overheard a woman say that she had squirrel problems in her garden. In a cut glass accent, she said “I catch them in a humane trap. And then plunge the trap into a water-filled trough. They drown very quickly.”


Rex L Camino needs to get on the case, kinkajous and rabid ‘roos, evil squirrels and chipmunks, too.

One Response to “Squirrel madness”

  1. Vol-in-Law Says:

    “I catch them in a humane trap. And then plunge the trap into a water-filled trough. They drown very quickly.”

    This is very funny. Reminds me of the documentary last night about how our carefully sorted “recycled” waste actually goes to garbage dumps in Indonesia. Somehow people feel it’s the act itself (eg using a ‘humane’ trap) that makes them a good person, not the ultimate result.

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