An anniversary of sorts

Here’s an anniversary of sorts.

Two days ago was the 142nd anniversary of the battle of Fort Sanders.

Yes, I’m two days late, but I’ve been very busy mentally composing my reply to Phil Fulmer’s letter to Tennessee fans, and working and shopping and stuff.

Here’s a post about it on one of those South Will Rise Again type blogs. But I was interested to note that the fellow posting was born on the battle site, for I was, too.

He links to a site with an eyewitness account of the battle – which contains the lines:

“Knoxville must have been quite a place before the war began, but it looks now as though it was the oldest place in the world and been allowed to run down ever since it was built….”

I’ve lived in Fort Sanders, and that was certainly an apt description when I was there. I’m soon on my way for a visit after many years (VolBro lives in the Fort), so I can see first hand if the rot has stopped.