In service to my country

I hope the American community of London appreciates what I did for them today. I had to go to a swanky London dinner club to taste the Thanksgiving meal we are having on Sunday and be fawned over by the restaurant staff during my lunch hour.

Actually it’s a good thing we did go. The green beans were al dente and the pumpkin pie was too salty (a problem with the cups and teaspoons to metric conversion, I nearly spit it out).

But my gosh everything else was great. Best mashed potato I’ve ever had.

It’s a tough, tough job. But someone has to do it.

Can you email me the leftovers?

From the mailbag:

VolBro emailed me to let me know:

We had Roasted Turkey, Fried turkey, Country ham, Cheesey potato casserole, HOMEMADE DRESSING*, (not that dry crumbly stovetop stuffing crap. It was good.), gravy for the previously mentioned dish, sweet potato/pecan something or other, cranberry fruit something or other, homemade rolls, cheesey potato casserole, green beans, and topped it off with chocolate chess and pecan pie.

But at least you had an Indian meal on Thanksgiving.

Photo ripped from the American Costume Company, Denver.

*this has been a matter of some controversy in our family. VolMom once called me to complain that one of our cousins L had usurped her assigned role of making the dressing. I asked why she had done it. “Well, probably because she thinks I’ll make stovetop stuffing.”
“Would you?”
“I was thinking of it, yes.”
“Then I agree with L.”