Thanksgiving abroad

Thanksgiving dinner:
Tonight we enjoyed a lovely curry, on which the Vol-in-Law worked extra hard. He had to ring the take-away three times, because their phone was busy.

Tomorrow, I go to the restaurant where we’re having Thanksgiving this Sunday with over 100 expats. We’ve arranged with the venue to “test” the food to make sure it’s, you know, authentic.

The meaning of the holiday:
Yesterday before I left a pretty intense training course, I wished everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. Maybe it wasn’t the right thing to do. Anyway… some grumbly ol’ cuss said “What’s the point of that holiday anyway?”

I said “You’re supposed to reflect on what you’re thankful for.”

“Like thankful you’ve invaded foreign countries?” he said.

Long pause. Silence falls across the room. “Yes, if that’s what you’re thankful for.”


Well, I’ve been reflecting today. Not as much as I should, but more than the Grumbly Ol’ Cuss, I bet.

I’m thankful for all sorts of things – friends, family, reasonable health. A decent job. I’m thankful to be living in London in such interesting times. Really, I’m incredibly lucky. I’ve seen a lot and done a lot. I like the talents I’ve been given. Even if I can’t be in America celebrating this holiday, I have loads of good memories of Thanksgiving with my extended family.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Happy Thanksgiving.

2 Responses to “Thanksgiving abroad”

  1. Sam Says:

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Nicole Says:

    What is the restaurant?

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