Monkey pet

I always wanted a monkey for pet. When I was in first grade we lived in Philadelphia for a year. I went to a private school that was cool and quirky. In our Science room there was a monkey. How cool is that? Sure, the room smelled like monkey, but still…

Ever since then I’ve wanted a monkey pet. I already have two cats – Fancy and Other Cat, who are just as adorable as can be… but they ain’t monkeys.

white and black cat
Cute, but not a monkey

My friend Karen, from Mississippi, told me her dad once had a monkey pet with a poor understanding of etiquette. If I remember correctly, which I probably don’t, she said that it would steal food and throw it around the house. This did not deter me in the quest for a monkey pet.

I keep tellin’ the Vol-in-Law that I want a monkey pet, but I’m afraid he’s kind of the sensible sort. He says “They bite. They’re nasty and smelly and dirty. And they cost money.” For more of this view – see Rex L. Camino’s coverage of the Mississippi Night Monkey incident here and further updates here. Plus Paris’ monkey runs amok here. It’s like a full season of that show When Good Pets Go Bad (or as it might be more aptly titled: When Really Inappropriate Pets that You Messed With Did Exactly What You Thought They Might) but with court artist’s representation.

Hmmph. I still think it would be great. Plus I think a monkey would be the ideal companion for Fancy and Other Cat.

Photo ripped from One Fun Site

What’s the rising agent for that thing?

Along the blog “ticker” bar at Nashville is Talking, I saw Cake Fun’s post for Persian Love Cake. I’m not much of a baker, but gosh I had to take a look at that. What’s in Persian Luurv Cake? What happens when you eat it? What’s the decoration on top? I must confess I thought of certain temple reliefs in India.

No such luck. But the cake still looks pretty tasty.

This is why I like Bob Krumm

Bob Krumm has a post on an Federal Election Commission (FEC) ruling which, basically, hopefully, means that bloggers can keep on blogging even if they have a political axe to grind.

Bob thinks that’s a good thing. I do, too.

Bob finds himself defending Kos against GOP Blogger, despite the fact that he’s a (potential) Republican candidate for the Tennessee State Senate:

So I just laud a story from Kos, and the next thing that pops up on my news feed is a GOP Blogger story that I disagree with, talking about a similar subject. It’s entitled: The FEC Ought to Regulate Liberal Hollywood.

An excerpt:

The FEC loves to quantify the value of in-kind contributions and it ought to figure out how much NBC is contributing to liberal causes with its propaganda.

Something must be wrong when I’m defending Kos against Republicans. It’s time for me to go to bed.

Many issues he’s blogged on, I don’t agree with his take. But those are political issues. I have to say he’s always blogged on keeping political discourse civil and keeping politics and public service ethical and transparent. I also think that’s the way things ought to be. He’s seems so wedded to this philosophy, I have to wonder why he’s a Republican. 🙂

Update: The Vol-in-Law thought my last comment was too mean. He says “The important thing is for the Republican party to turn around, and that means encouraging decent people to run as Republican candidates”

Get typin’

Kathy F at What Do I Know asks “Where are all the British Political Bloggers?”


Perhaps the Vol-in-Law will consider this question in a post on the death of liberty in the UK? I wonder if there’s a link??