What kind of Tennessean are you?

I see that my blog has been linked to from Nashville is Talking and I’ve had several mentions in the No Silence Here, Knoxville News Sentinel blog. So I’ve now been recognised by media blogs from two of the three Grand Divisions of the state of Tennessee. Thanks.

I also read in haiku of the id about genderist’s mixed marriage. She’s from Middle Tennessee, husband is from East Tennessee. (BTW, genderist, do I know you in real life?)

It got me to thinking about my own mixed identity. See, I was born in Knoxville to a Middle Tennessee mom and an East Tennessee dad. I’ve lived longer in Knoxville (during several different stretches) than any place else (with London a distant second), but I went to high school in Middle Tennessee and I vote there, too. My mom’s family is Middle Tennessee to way back on both sides. I guess I think of Knoxville as my spiritual home, but I reckon if I had to pick a city to live in, it would be Nashville. So, I don’t know, I’m all confused. Although one thing’s clear, I’m not a West Tennessean. No siree, bob. Those people are strange. Their bbq is funny.

Vol-in-Law says my “blog style” is more “East Tennessean”. But what would he know, he’s foreign.

In fact – here’s how he got his handle. I was all excited about some Tennessee victory on one Sunday morning. I put on my Tennessee sweatshirt (the one with the hood that makes me look like a Volunteer elf) and while we were walking on Wimbledon Common I kept saying things like Go Vols, How BOUT them Vols?, and singing little bits of Rocky Top. My husband’s patience was wearing a bit thin.

Me: What’s the matter? Orange you a Vol?
Him: Harummph.
Me: C’mon. Orange you a Vol? ORANGE YOU a VOL?
Him: No.
Me: No, I guess not. You’re just a Vol-in-Law.